Dr. and Mrs. Finocchio, their son Tim, and Marvin
All of us at the RISPCA and my family wishes to thank all of you for all your support over the past week. .
The laboratory results revealed that the mass on his spleen was a leiomyosarcoma which unfortunately is a malignant tumor. This type of tumor is not one that is overly aggressive however. The nodules on his liver were benign which is excellent news.
Marvin will be 10 years old on the 4th of July and my wish is to have him just a few more years with a good quality of life and not one of convalescing from this treatment and that treatment.
I promised him long ago that when the time comes to visit Rainbow Bridge, I will take him there and throw a tennis ball across the bridge and should he chase it across the bridge I know it was the right time to let him go. This past week we visited the bridge and I threw the ball clear across it. He chased it but only to the edge of the bridge, turned and looked at me and came back to me. I gave him a big hug and we went home.
Marvin has always been a survivor and his story has inspired many to never give up in life's struggle. In conclusion, he is recovering marvelously and almost back to his old self and just itching to chase a tennis ball, take a walk in the woods, chase the Canadians from the fields, lick the face of a sick child at Hasbro and put a smile on a forgotten face in a nursing home. So much to do in such a short time.
All your prayers, comments, letters, cards, emails have certainly lightened the load for us this past week. We will go on to live and appreciate each day one at a time. Only in the darkest of night can you clearly see the stars and each one of you are Marvin's stars.
We want to especially thank Drs. Michael Bruzzi, Susan M. Newell and David Sweet for their excellent care and treatment of Marvin...
Always, Dr.& Mrs. Finocchio, Tim, RISPCA Staff & Marvin
PS: Marvin made a short visit to Bernon Heights Elementary School in Woonsocket on March 30 to collect over 1500 pounds of food collected by the students.